I trained as a Purpose Coach starting around a decade ago. It’s an amazing way to help people.
I just read an article today that is great! Author Robert Evans Wilson Jr. wrote at Psychology Today about the importance having a purpose in life. https://www.psychologytoday.com/nz/blog/the-main-ingredient/202002/why-do-you-need-purpose-in-life
Here is bit of what Robert Wilson shares…
“What do you want to be when you grow up?” my father asked me when I was eight-years-old. He would periodically ask me this question (as would numerous other adults — it still seems to be a popular question to ask children when they are too young to have a clue). Two years earlier, I answered, “I want to be a scuba diver like the man in Sea Hunt (a popular TV series from the 1960s). But this time, I answered, “I want to be a writer.” I had recently been praised for some poetry and stories I wrote; I enjoyed writing and it seemed to come naturally. I haven’t wavered since. It’s rare to know what you want to do for the rest of your life; it’s even rarer to know your purpose in life. I certainly didn’t know mine at age eight.

Two years later, after a particularly good sermon by my minister, Dr. Cecil Myers, I told my mother I wanted to be a minister. Dr. Myers was a master storyteller and joke teller. He is the only preacher who has ever been able to hold my attention. My mother suggested that I enroll in confirmation classes with my church. Wow, that cured me of any desire to be a minister; I quickly realized I wasn’t interested in all the religious stuff.
What I was interested in was telling great stories and jokes. At age ten, my interest in becoming a speaker was already emerging. But, speaking — telling great stories and jokes — is still not a purpose.
(Keep reading the article here… https://www.psychologytoday.com/nz/blog/the-main-ingredient/202002/why-do-you-need-purpose-in-life )
Next check out this article where Robert Taibbi has some great questions and a simple excercise you can do.
If you are interested in Purpose Coaching to help you get clarity on your unique purpose at this time schedule a complimentary 20 minute call with Shane R. Butler to learn a bit about the Ignite Your Purpose coaching sessions.